Work experience


2024 - present

Staff Technical Writer

Cribl, the Data Engine for IT and Security, empowers organizations to transform their data strategy. Customers use Cribl's vendor-agnostic solutions to analyze, collect, process, and route all IT and security data from any source or in any destination, delivering the choice, control, and flexibility required to adapt to their ever-changing needs.


2019 - 2024

Technical Writer 4

Broadcom acquired VMware, Inc. in 2023, which acquired my original employer SaltStack, Inc. in 2020. They are a global technology company specializing in enterprise software for cloud and on-prem data centers. Responsibilities included:

  • Collaborated with three fast-paced development teams to produce effective end-user, open-source, and developer documentation that was always delivered on time and reduced or resolved support requests.
  • Built and maintained documentation systems that used innovative docs-as-code technologies.
  • Led an efficient, cross-functional team of product experts to create 18 high quality technical articles for customers.
  • Conducted a major user research project to understand customer and community documentation needs; used results to create user personas, optimize user journeys, and identify strategic documentation improvements.
  • Collaborated across teams to make major improvements to a product installation guide, resulting in a remarkable 32% increase in customer satisfaction scores.
  • Achieved Employee of the Month recognition for coordinating the seamless migration of 285 knowledge base articles to a cost-saving platform in one month without data loss.
  • Initiated an employee study group to promote knowledge-sharing, break down silos, and familiarize new hires with core products; averaged 25% company-wide attendance every week.


2014 - 2019

Senior Technical Writer

Wrote and edited product documentation for FlexSim, a 3D simulation software tool that was acquired by Autodesk in 2023. Responsibilities included:

  • Improved brownfield documentation created by developers to make it more user-friendly and task-oriented.
  • Created full user manual for health-care simulation software in only 2 months; received high praise from all project leaders.
  • Collaborated with professional services to design high quality training tutorials.
  • Built a new doc tooling system in HTML/CSS/JavaScript from scratch.
  • Created and socialized a company style guide.

Utah Valley University

2008 - 2014


Taught technical writing courses for developers and academic writing courses for first-year students.


2006 - 2008

Technical Writer

Created user guides and videos for more than 40 internal DevOps tools.


Master of Arts in English

University of Utah

2003 - 2005

English, American Studies with an emphasis in Film

Awarded a fellowship that involved teaching academic writing classes for two years; achieved highest rated instructor.

University of Utah stadium

Tools and skills

Percentages indicate my competencies in each domain.

Docs-as-code tool chains

Markdown, reStructured text, static site generators



Git, GitHub, GitLab


Unix systems

Linux, bash, and command-line interfaces


Tech writing content management systems

DITA, Oxygen, XML, SDL Tridion


Programming languages

Python and JavaScript


Visual design tools

Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma


Volunteer work

The Good Docs Project

2020 - present

Community manager

The Good Docs Project is an open-source project that educates and empowers developers to create high-quality documentation by providing them with free resources, best practices, and tools to enhance their documentation in open source and beyond.

  • Manage a rapidly growing open-source community of 75+ technical writers and developers dedicated to improving documentation in open source by providing high-quality templates and other guidance to open-source developers.
  • Lead a user research project to gather data from 33 technical writers and then collaborated with project stakeholders to turn the insights into the project's product roadmap.
  • Successfully co-lead a 3-month project to migrate our project from GitHub to GitLab with no data loss or interruptions to the project's work.

Write the Docs

2020 - 2023

Staff, Meetup program coordinator

Write the Docs (WTD) is a volunteer-based global community of people who care about documentation. In 2020, I created and led the WTD Quorum program, which provided quarterly online education meetups and social networking events for more than 1,000 technical writers in the U.S., Canada, and Australia.