Led an efficient, cross-functional team of product experts to create 18 high quality technical articles for customers

I broke down silos and coordinated efforts to create high-impact customer content produced by a cross-functional team of sales engineers, professional service consultants, developers, and more.

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Led a major user research project to identify strategic improvements to the Salt documentation

I led a team that launched a major user research project to learn how to delight our customers and create open source documentation to meet their needs.

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Created an employee study group to promote knowledge sharing that was attended by 25% of the company

I led a study group to help new and existing employees learn more about our core products and break down silos.

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Major installation guide improvements saved time and improved customer satisfaction by 32%

The customer satisfaction scores for the SaltStack Enterprise installation guide were unacceptable. I led the docs team in a major overhaul project, resulting in a 32% increase in customer satisfaction scores.

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Led an open source project from the startup phase through maturity, resulting in 120% growth in contributors

In just 2 years under my leadership, The Good Docs Project grew from a community of 5 to 60 contributors that now partners with other major open source programs to improve software documentation.

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Coordinated a successful one-day Salt community documentation jam with 35 participants from around the world

I organized an open source documentation jam that was a huge success in terms of participation, productivity, diversity, and positive buzz.

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Migrated 285 knowledge base articles in one month with no data loss

Acting as the project manager, I collaborated with the Support team to rapidly migrate our knowledge base to a new cost-saving platform with no data loss or service disruptions.

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