Key concepts about travel

Made for FlexSim Software Products, this sample shows examples of how I write conceptual documents:

About this writing sample

FlexSim is a 3D simulation software program for creating current- and future-state models of business systems.

The goal of this concept document is to teach these concepts:

  • FlexSim uses special objects known as task executers, which move throughout the model performing tasks (such as an employee transporting items from one destination to another).
  • FlexSim has two different tools you can use to help task executers choose a correct travel path when moving between locations.
  • The audience for this material is someone who is an intermediate user and already knows how to build basic simulation models.

Because there are two different travel systems, users need an overview of each system and guidance choosing the correct one for their project.

What I want you to notice

Documentation feature Comment
  • These topics are meant to be a bridge for users who want to understand the deeper mechanics of the software, but don't want to read purely reference material.
  • The concepts explain the important trade-offs that users need to be aware of when choosing a travel system. In this way, the concept document supports users to make better decisions that allow them to build more accurate models.
  • The most important concepts and common problems are mentioned first in the document, such as the default travel logic and common problems that might come from using the defaults.
  • The headings and bullet points allow users to scann and quickly skip to the sections that are most relevant to their needs.
Visual effectiveness
  • The visuals help increase user engagement.
  • Concept documents always carry the risk that users will get bored and stop reading, but the visuals help provide variety and a break from walls of text.