Hi, I'm Alyssa

Alyssa Rock — Tech writer. OSS community manager. DocOps enthusiast.
Nov 8, 2020, updated Aug 20, 2023 1 min read

Welcome to my new portfolio site and blog! It’s been nearly a decade since I last kept a blog and I’m excited to keep one again.

This is going to be a professional blog that I’ll use to record thoughts I have related to technical writing, with a focus on documentation in open source projects. I hope to write posts about:

  • Book reviews with my key takeaways.
  • Technical writing and community management in open source.
  • Tips and tricks to solve common problems technical writers face.

What this blog is not going to do:

  • Talk negatively about current or past employers and coworkers unless it’s in the context of a problem that had a happy ending or positive solution.
  • Talk about divisive things such as religion or politics unless it has some broad, neutral applicability.
  • Talk about my family or friends except in the most generic of ways.

I hope some people will find it interesting!